Monday 19 September 2011

'Colors' is Colombia Oscar entry

Colombia's fledgling 2-year-old Academy of Cinematographic Arts & Sciences has selected Carlos Cesar Arbelaez's helming debut, "Los colores p la montana" (The Colours from the Mountain), to represent the nation within the foreign-language film Oscar race. Colors" trounced 13 challengers from more seasoned helmers including Sebastian Cordero's "Rabia" (Rage), Carlos Moreno's "Todos tus muertos" (All Of Your Dead Ones) and Juan Felipe Orozco's "Saluda al diablo p mi parte" (Greetings towards the Demon), starring Edgar Ramirez ("Carlos"). Set from the armed conflict between guerilla martial artists and also the military in Colombia, "Colors from the Mountain" tracks a 9-year-old who enlists his close friends to assist him retrieve his football from the minefield. Pic won the brand new Company directors award in San Sebastian this past year and also the script in the 2011 LA Latino Film Festival. It first showed in Colombia earlier this spring. NY-based Film Movement launched "Colors" on DVD within the U.S. earlier this year. Contact the range newsroom at

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